The time has come where Encore Complex is ready to host your company's training and conferences again. And we are looking forward to seeing you at our venue.

Training and conferences with Encore Complex

Encore Complex has everything you are looking for in a training venue and conference facilities Encore Complex provides you with a private training venue and conference centre to host your companies regular training and conferences to your most valued employees or business partners or even international clients.

Our conference centre can host 50 people under the National Lockdown Regulations which is ideal for small to medium-sized companies to continue their business even under these difficult circumstances with the aim on success, a calm and professional environment.

Encore Complex is wheelchair friendly and with ample parking, your conference or meeting will be successful and accessible for everyone attending.

Why book a meeting or training with your employees?

The importance of training and meetings are often underestimated until we are unable to give our employees the necessary training or to host a meeting under normal circumstances. Training and office meetings are needed as part of a professional environment, giving your employees the required knowledge for the job at hand. And with many employees unsure of the impact the Covid 19 has on the workplace, now is the ideal time to take the reins back into your own hands and empower all employees with the certainty that all measurements are in place with the adapted working circumstances.

Without teamwork, it is hard to achieve business goals. By taking the time to inform the employees, many hurdles can be overcome easily. These meetings enable you and your employees to communicate outside the office environment, share information and solve and resolve some issues or disputes that any one of them might have.

Meetings and training empower the employees to communicate successfully and can improve their overall performance in the working environment. Meetings and training enable employees and staff to network, share ideas and inform management of new developments within the company.

Without a team that is willing to work as a unit, it is much harder to achieve business goals. Therefore the importance of training and office meetings come into place.  Using an establishment out of office gives everyone the opportunity to function without distractions.

And with a safe, secure and professional environment, all employees and trainers will feel at ease. Phone Encore Complex today to book your meeting or training session.