A Lecture hall in Pretoria is a great idea if you need to host more than 30 students. As the a lecture , knowing the right kind on environment and room structure that you need to interact with all 30+ students is essential. In choosing a lecture hall , it is essential to be aware of:
1) Room Form : A fan-shaped room is intimate and creates a kind of environment that physically moves the audience closer to the speaker.
2) Sound : The form the room takes generally have an effect on the way sound travels through it. For this reason a lecture hall needs to be in line with Acoustical design standard
3) Technology to Lecture : The form a room takes will generally have an impact on assisting technologies like that use radio frequency systems and Infrared systems.
Because we are aware of the criteria of a practical lecture hall, we have provided lecture hall’s in Pretoria to assist lecturers and their students.